Posted in One-Word Wednesday

One-Word Wednesday: 4/3/24


“The Bay Bridge crosses the Chesapeake Bay along US 50/301. Its dual spans provide a direct connection between recreational and ocean regions on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and the metropolitan areas of Baltimore, Annapolis and Washington, D.C. At four miles, the spans are among the world’s longest and most scenic over-water structures.”

A day after the horrific tragedy of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in the Baltimore Harbor, Robert and I had to travel across the nearby 4.5 mile Annapolis Bay Bridge to visit his grandmother on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. (Incredibly, HR’s still young enough to have a living grandmother!)

The weather was terrible. Dark, cold and very rainy as we crossed the bridge.

I was a nervous wreck. I tried not to, but all I could think about was what had happened yesterday.

Thankfully, we made it across. But we were most sadly aware that not everyone made it across the Key Bridge.